Purchase of the product

Before buying check the correct shoe number, in case see the "Perfect size" section



Payment methods:

Credit cards, prepaid cards, PostePay, Paypal, bank transfer.

Bank transfer:

C/C Clair di Bindoni Chiara

IBAN IT93 Z051 1654 7800 0000 0004 790




Shipping to Italy is FREE, for shipments to Europe and foreign countries will be notified from time to time.


Return for replacement

In case of return request for replacement of the item the customer must send an email with the motivation to info@clair.it and then provide for the shipment of the product intact, complete the original packaging in excellent condition with shipping costs charged to the customer at our headquarters

CLAIR DI BINDONI CHIARA - via Deretti 89/91 - 25013 Carpenedolo BS 

IMPORTANT: The shipping costs of the replaced product are charged to the customer € 10.00 for Italy and abroad will be quantified.